Seryn is my soundtrack. The moment they start to perform, my mind embraces a soft spring rain. Just as it ends, droplets of warm water fall from the petals of a freshly bloomed daisy into a gurgling stream that flows into an ocean of range, motion and never-ending waves and tides.
Goofy romanticism? Yes. But that’s what makes up Seryn. The band is a lovely mix of passionate talented artists who harmonize beautifully and bring (it on) music that evokes beautiful emotion and love to a music-lover’s very soul. Plus, I have this creepy old lady crush on Trenton Wheeler and the rest of the band.
I’ve experienced Seryn on numerous occasions, always brilliant performances, but this was my first to see them all acoustic-y. They did not disappoint. Do they ever? No. No, they don’t. But who am I to say? You be the judge…
By the way, Local Coffee, in the ‘burbs of San Antonio, is heaven, in the ‘burbs of San Antonio. The feel, the look, the attention to decor detail, the fabulous crew (‘specially one Jason Tantaros)…it all adds up to splendid coffee heaven. Go there. You are so welcome.